14 Open Innovation Skills Collaborative innovation, open innovation, co-innovation are all terms whose meaning is understood without a clear definition being agreed upon. It is therefore not surprising to find companies claiming to be ‘doing Open Innovation’ (the term we use in the rest of this paper) with very different…
Author: Jean-Louis
Open innovation: Blockchain as a natural use case to protect Intellectual Property
How to manage Intellectual Property? Open Innovation Intellectual Property – In a knowledge-based economy, it is essential to be able to protect industrial assets. Intellectual property rights are therefore essential for the proper development of a company and constitute a barrier in the event of industrial conflict. On the surface, Open…
Knowledge Management: why its association with Open Innovation works perfectly?
Open Innovation and Knowledge Management: a successful combination We have had the opportunity to develop elsewhere (1) the need, in open innovation approaches, to rely on external knowledge in order to find scientific and technological information and the experts associated with this information. This point of view is at the…
How to know whether to continue or stop an R&D investment? - The Nexans case study
Evaluate an R&D investment Every laboratory in the world faces a permanent dilemma: what projects to invest in? Which projects to stop? What criteria should be used to decide? An applied research organization, especially an industrial laboratory, needs the most objective elements possible to compare projects and decide on its…
Technology watch - 4 good practices
4 good practices to adopt for a technology watch Definition of technology watch Technology watch consists of regular and systematic monitoring, in selected areas, of developments in science and new technologies. Keeping up-to-date with technological and scientific developments Keeping up to date with the development of new technologies or particular…
How to evaluate a start-up's technology in 5 days?
A quick start-up evaluation Start-up evaluation – The decision to invest in a start-up is based on the evaluation of its economic development potential and the associated risks. Investors have tools and methods to carry out this evaluation: market potential, Business model, market access, team strengths and complementarity, financing plan,…
How to do Teleworking Research?
Research in the Digital Age – The Researcher 3.0 The digital age is changing the approach to research as it has been practiced since the Renaissance. This ongoing revolution opens up the opportunity to “carry out research differently”. Traditional research – the triptych lab, library, conference For a long time,…
How does Open Innovation work? (infography)
A different concept from traditional innovation “We need to be innovative in the area of innovation itself “John Seely Brown “The New Imperative for Creating and Profiting from Technology”Henry W. Chesbrough Open Innovation is a concept that turns our traditional idea of innovation upside down. According to John Seely Brown, Director…
Deployment of Open Innovation: where to start?
A different starting point for every company Deployment Open Innovation – Our customers who want to deploy Open Innovation tools and practices often ask us the same question: where do we start? Our answer: it depends! Indeed, after several years of experience in deploying Open Innovation, we have found that…
Definition and Practice of Collaborative Innovation
Definition of Collaborative Innovation Collaborative Innovation Definition – Innovation is a central activity in the economy. It is the basis for the ability of a company, and of the entire economy, to develop, become more competitive and conquer new markets. As Yuman points out in a study on collaborative innovation,…
Definition & Examples of Open Innovation: Companies that have taken the plunge
Open Innovation: Examples of Companies This article proposes a few examples of companies that have chosen the path of open innovation. But first of all, let’s define the term “Open Innovation” together. Definition of Open Innovation Open Innovation is a concept introduced in the early 2000s by a research professor…
Can an SME innovate quickly and efficiently?
Managing Open Innovation in SMEs Managing Open Innovation in SMEs – When we started to focus on SMEs, we were curious to understand if our approaches and tools developed around Open Innovation for large Corporates could be applied to SMEs. Of course, innovation is a key element of competitiveness for…